About PTC

Our Mission: To carry out tests and analyzes within the scope of the needs of the enterprises operating in various fields, to continue their activities in accordance with the principles of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Test and Calibration Laboratories' Competence standard, to prioritize the happiness and safety of the analysts.

Our Vision: To be the most preferred testing company as PTC Product Testing and Certification, to serve without sacrificing quality and reliability, to be innovative at all times by following all international developments closely.

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Our Ptc Product Testing and Certification Quality Policy

To perform our services within the framework of legal regulations, taking into account customer expectations, with high quality and in the shortest time possible,

Developing and supporting customer-oriented, quality and creative solutions, taking into account customer needs,

To provide a quality service understanding that will prioritize trust and accuracy, which will not share the information and documents obtained as a result of relations with customers, with any authorized and unrelated person or organization,

To continue its activities in accordance with the principles of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 Competence of Test and Calibration Laboratories standard,

To follow and implement a policy that adopts the understanding of internal communication, information flow and continuous education in order to ensure the participation of our employees in our work for continuous improvement of our Management System, which was established in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standards,

To perform test services in our laboratory according to the relevant standards, to convey the results accurately and reliably to the customers as soon as possible by using proven methods and devices,

Our Main Policy is to provide quality and creative solutions aiming at continuous improvement by prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Top Management undertakes that this policy will be communicated to all employees and ensured that they are understood. This policy establishes a framework for objectives and is continually reviewed.

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